About the Author…

I’m just a guy living and learning through all this just like you. I found all the information sources on this well written but clinical and complicated and not useful in day-to-day, regular guys living their lives way.

My wife is incredible. Incredible to me, our children, and everyone she knows it seems. She is a self-soothing, well-read rock star on this stuff and is truly amazing to watch her navigate all of these changes.

I on the other hand am screwing up almost every reminder I have given you here – sometimes many times a day.

However, I keep trying because I love my wife very much and she deserves nothing less than the best I can muster. AND I want to be the kind of man who is strong enough to TRY to Be Better.

I hope all of this helps you and her live more fulfilling and less complicated lives, and I especially hope it lets you navigate through YOUR life being the kind of man you will want to have been when you look back on all of it. It goes fast. Make good decisions my friend!

Jim Bonfield TikTok @RegularGuysGuide

Oh, and one more thing... Fellas, if you have some sort of special know-how or expertise that you think “regular guys” would like to read about, get in touch with me. The concept of Regular Guy’s Guide™ Publishing is something I’d like to explore with you.
— Jim